Ticket Change Details

Artifact ID: 3ed6b97cd26115f3aa37607be260b54a94e54d9d
Ticket: 5ee603e9ebfde509b88824d299762d1b44d7b1b2
tcllib build script breaks pkgIndex files
User & Date: anonymous on 2016-03-11 08:24:53

  1. foundin changed to: "all"
  2. icomment:
    [http://teaparty.rkeene.org/fossil/artifact/773c04dec94e413f?ln=119,120] reorders the lines of pkgIndex.tcl files, doing violence to snit and docstrip::util (both use line continuations) and damaging other packages that use [if] guards in pkgIndex files.
    What is the line-reordering trying to achieve?  Can those two lines be simply replaced with a `cat` or a `cp`?
  3. login: "anonymous"
  4. mimetype: "text/x-fossil-wiki"
  5. private_contact changed to: "cb02a4a25e8da92f2790bc307bf01ef24ce6053e"
  6. severity changed to: "Important"
  7. status changed to: "Open"
  8. title changed to: "tcllib build script breaks pkgIndex files"
  9. type changed to: "Code_Defect"